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We all know "Macs don't get viruses", right? Well, that is kind of true if we are talking about the original computer viruses which were designed to self-replicate on your computer. But Macs are still vulnerable to various kinds of attacks -- especially if you help them! Have you noticed your Mac behaving strangely after visiting some internet web site? How about after receiving an email that suggested you log in to you bank or Paypal account to remove some disputed charge? Or maybe, you added some software to "clean" up your Mac and things went south soon after?There are all kinds of ways to protect yourself these days and it does NOT mean running "anti-virus" software and changing your password to some new gobbledygook string every 6 weeks! We have put together a FREE Guide to help you stay safe and to let you know what Precursor does to aid that effort.
Click here to check out our Guide to Safety! |
R.A.I.S stands for Redundant Array of Independent Servers. The idea bubbled up from a post on AFP548.com by Josh Wisenbaker soon after Apple killed off its racked mounted server: the Xserve. I ran with the idea and created a web page to act as resource for Mac admins trying to make a redundant array of Mac minis. And now, that web page has had over 100,000 visitors from all over the world with thousands of people downloading my tutorials from as far away as the U.S.A., Germany, France, England, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands! I don't usually do much in the way of horn tooting but to celebrate the R.A.I.S. page's 100,000 mark I put together some highlights:
- 8/20/2011
My first successful RAIS used OS X 10.6.8 on core solo Mac minis! - 11/27/2012
I invented the T-key dongle to keep the secondary mini in Target Disk Mode after power outages - 7/19/2014
My Reverse Proxy Tutorial showed how to safely use macOS Server with FileMaker Server, Kerio Connect and Maxum Rumpus - 3/16/2015
Began production RAIS with a powerful Mac Pro as the primary and a Mac mini as the secondary computer.
Click here to see our check out the Precursor R.A.I.S. page!
Longtime Precis readers know that I completely re-coded the Precursor web site in 2014 and checked it for compliance with HTML 5 and CSS 3. But I only realized recently that my web site was getting failing grades for being accessible to people with disabilities. It's important that all users, whatever user agent they are using (e.g., desktop browser, voice browser, mobile phone, automobile-based personal computer, etc.) or constraints they may be operating under (e.g., noisy surroundings, under- or over-illuminated rooms, in a hands-free environment, etc.) be able to access and make proper use of your web site.
Now I am pleased to announced that we have fixed various issues and added various coding to help our site pass Accessibility testing! And while I was at it I tested and corrected for Social Media Tags, Twitter Card Tags, and Schema.org SEO compliance.
Click here to find out how to test your web site for all the compliances above!
I am headed back to Jolly Old England to participate in Mac Admins UK conference 2018 on February 20-21st. "Crossing the pond" may seem like going to great lengths to you but I do it because I get to visit one of my sisters whom I would seldom get to see otherwise! As the conference organizers say: "MacAD.UK is a must-attend event for professional Mac Admins and Developers" where over 400 Mac admins come to "network, share, discover, compare, meet, learn, hang out and socialise with the best Apple techs in the world." I learned a lot at MacAD.UK last year and am really looking forward to being there again!
Click here to find out more about MacAD.UK!
Alex Narvey is now certified an Apple Certified Associate for Mac Integration 10.13. Apple designed the Mac Integration course to integrate a Mac into an existing Windows or other standards-based network , and achieve compatibility and interoperability with Windows. Alex first became ACA-MI certified in 2016 for Mac OS X 10.11 and holds a variety of other macOS certifications.
Click here to check out our training and certification credentials! |