
Apple 30th Anniversary urls

On April 1, 2006 Apple turned 30. Much ink was spilled around the world describing and analysing this milestone so we decided to put together a list of interesting articles and videos. Happy Birthday Apple!

Agence France-Presse
Apple Computer a force to be reckoned with at 30 years old
The two Steves who changed the world

How much do you know about Apple?

Apple: 30 years and counting/How much of Apple is Steve Jobs? [Video]
Where Apple fails: If Apple Computer is so great, how come it's so small?

30 years in Apple products: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Apple@30: The Great History (Trivia) Challenge
An Homage to Steve Jobs, and Apple

Enough History. Where Is Apple Going?"
Apple Turns 30 [Video]
20 Great Moments In Apple History
Apple's Iconic Ads
Apple's CEO Soap Opera
Apple's Biggest Duds

The Guardian
The appeal of Apple
In praise of Apple

Low End Mac
Low End Mac's Apple 30th Anniversary History Quiz

PC Pro
Apple's 30th Birthday [part 1] - Riding the whirlwind
Apple's 30th Birthday [part 2] - The Macintosh and Siberia
Apple's 30th Birthday [part 3] - The post-Jobs decline
Apple's 30th Birthday [part 4] - The prodigal son returns

San Francisco Chronicle
Apple: Thirty Years Old and Still Fresh
Apple to its core: Looking back at 30 years of technology company

Wired News
Apple's Finest Flip-Flops
Apple's Most Rabid Fans
Every Apple Ever Made
Apple Heroes and Villains
Gallery: Apple OS


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